About Author

Nabil Mihoubi

Growing up in France as the youngest of a big Algerian family, Nabil Mihoubi has faced many obstacles and achieved many victories. The cultural diversity and unbreakable kinship of Nabil’s ten siblings shaped his identity as he made his way through the winding streets of a rough neighborhood.

His story, etched across the pages, reveals a dynamic chronicle of hardship and triumph intertwined. Witnessing the impact of societal struggles and the profound loss of his mother, Nabil confronted adversity head-on, fueled by an unyielding ember of hope. His optimism carried him through international travels and helped him build a successful American business.

But life’s plotline, ever unpredictable, took another turn with the arrival of an unexpected message from Cassandra, a wave of challenges – legal battles, financial burdens, and intricate family dynamics. Through it all, Nabil navigated with relentless support and strength.

About The Book

Not Without My SON

Forget linear narratives. The vibrant “Not Without My Son” by Nabil Mihoubi shows the human spirit’s endurance as familial ties entangle with cultural fault lines, accomplishments hook on unforeseen barriers, and triumphs overcome them.

Dive into the bustling streets of France alongside Nabil, where the echoes of a vibrant Algerian heritage echo through the textured alleys of a tough neighborhood. Witness the stark realities of societal struggles, the unwavering love that binds ten siblings, and the sheer guts it takes to rise above adversity.

But “Not Without My Son” doesn’t stay put. This story goes across continents to pursue ambitions. See how personal triumphs and hope drive immigrant success in America.

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Nabil Mihoubi

Nabil Mihoubi grew up as the youngest of a big Algerian family in France. His story is a tale of hardship and triumph, filled with challenges but also hope. Despite societal struggles and the loss of his mother, Nabil built a successful American business. However, unexpected challenges arose in the form of legal battles, financial burdens, and family dynamics. Through it all, Nabil persevered with determined strength and support. “Not Without My Son” is a memoir that celebrates cultural history, promotes understanding, and honors hope.

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